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Layham Events Group

Chairperson: Sheila Roberts

Treasurer: Jane Cryer

Secretary: Sue Keeble

Festive Fair 2024

The Layham Events Group (LEG) was formed about six years ago when some likeminded friends wanted to raise funds for local causes and further unite the communities of Upper and Lower Layham. We achieve these aims by organising events such as fairs and fun days that will appeal to a variety of interests and age groups.

Community support is essential - LEG consists of a small group of volunteers, but our success depends on a whole army of volunteers.

Local businesses and many individuals have given generously to support raffles, tombola and prize giving. The Parish Council and Babergh District Council have also given essential financial support, for which we are grateful.

Some of the local causes we have supported to date include Layham Village Hall, Layham Local History Group and St Andrew’s Church.

We are always interested in ideas for events, so do please contact us at layhamevents@gmail.com. Please also let us know if you would like to volunteer at future events.

Events to date have been four Christmas Fairs, a very successful Platinum Jubilee Fete (see the Jubilee Fete page) and two rounders matches, the latest combined with a BBQ on Monday 8 May 2023. The rain held off and we enjoyed a fun celebration of King Charles III’s Coronation on Layham Playing Field. The event was well attended; we had to ship in extra beer, burgers and buns and virtually all the cakes were consumed. Compliments are due to the team of chefs. The first innings was won by Upper Layham, but Lower Layham fought back to gain the trophy. Lower Layham’s success was partly due to two players defecting to their side and to the arrival of the ice cream van catching the eye of several fielders! It was a pleasure to listen to the DJ’s music, and to see everyone enjoying themselves.

A big thank you to all who support our events and to Babergh District Council for the grant that funded the Coronation Water Bottles given to the children.

Following the Festive Fair held in December 2024, LEG is pleased to once again offer grants to support new and existing projects and activities that directly benefit the community of Layham.